SEO (Page 2.Contd)
A) On Page Optimization
3 Key aspects of on page optimisation.
1) Keyword Research
2) Accessible Site
3) Proper Use of Keywords
1) Keyword Research
Almost all-online marketing has foundation in Keywords. The words - you buy in PPC, target in organic search, focus on in your images and videos - all depends on good keyword research which requires plenty of time. Unfortunately many companies rush the keyword process and do not allocate the necessary resources or time to do it right.
There are number of ways to determining the popularity of keywords.
a) Ask yourself, have a brainstorming session with your team - make a list of keywords/phrases relevant to the content of your website, relevant to searchers
Visitors who find your site through a search engine usually carry a record of their query with them to your site. Your Analytic tools like - Web logs or other third party Analytics tools (like Google Analytics) make note of these search terms, including them in reports. If you find that a lot of people are coming to you through a certain search-engine queries, you will have some great hints. You can also figure out what they are searching on you site.
b) Get more information on Keyword demand and similar keywords from tools like
Google Adwords' Keyword Estimator Tool
* Google Search-based Keyword Tool
Google Trends Keyword Demand Prediction Tool
Microsoft AdCenter Keyword Forecasting Tool
Wordtracker's Free Basic Keyword Demand Tool
KeywordDiscovery Free Basic Keyword Demand Tool
*New tool from Google, looks at the content of your website and matches it against Google search queries, providing a list of relevant, actively searched keywords
c) Search for the term phrase on major search engines and look at
- Number of pages returned (e.g. Results 1 - 20 of about 451,000,000)
- Number of ads running along (Typical search ads means a high value keyword & multiple ads mean very popular & well converted keyword.
- The search for intitle:keyword provides only pages where the term is used in title tag. This gives an indication of how many pages are truly focused on term rather than simply in the content.
- inurl:keyword gives you indication of how many pages have used the keyword in the url.
- inanchor:keyword Shows only those pages where the target term appears in anchor text pointing to the page.
- Combine intiltle, inanchor and inurl - which gives you a good idea of how many pages are seriously targeting a particular keywords/ phrase
e.g intitle:free intitle:games inanchor:free inanchor:games inurl:free inurl:games
- Frequency of Recent Usage and location -> Click on Advance Search option in Google, Enter the keyword and than select the date and location from when and where you want the information.
- Common Usage of Phrase Combination - Using a * character can give you a good idea of what terms/phrases commonly precede or follow a given phrase term.
e.g. *ebizm or ebizm*
d) AdWords could give you a realistic idea about these keywords - Bid for these keywords at and see the Click Through Rates (CTR) and Conversion Rates.
The long tail of keywords
The "long tail" is a concept pioneered by Chris Anderson. According to the concept - Although popular keywords "head"(in each business) generate lots of traffic, great value lies in the thousands of unique, rarely used, niche terms in the "tail". These terms can provide higher conversion rates and more interested and valuable visitors to a site, as these specific terms can relate to exactly the topics, products, and services your site provides.
E.g. - While doing keyword research for my previous company I figure out that we the world on line game was much profitable than the work online games - it was cheaper and had better conversion rate
In order to know which keywords to target now (and which to pursue later), it's essential to not only understand the demand for a given term or phrase, but the work required to achieve those rankings. If mighty competitors block the top 10 results and you're just starting out on the web, the uphill battle for rankings can take months or years of effort bearing little to no fruit. So it's better to start off with the "long tail" while working with the on the popular keywords as well.
2) Accessible Site
You can write all of the keyword-focused text you want, but the pages won't rank unless search engines have access to that content.Make sure your site is accessible to all and is not protected by any firewall or Meta Robots tag or Robots.txt that does not allow Google's spiders to crawl through your site. If you have set up your website at home, make sure your Internet Service provider (ISP) lets you run a server over their network. Most individual sites actually live on their ISP's servers.
Avoid too many Frames.
Use frames sparingly. Spiders do not like them, frames does not allow them to move freely and gather information.Find and Fix Broken Links and Easy Navigation.
Google's spiders have nothing but html links to go on to find rest of your site; don't stop them with a broken link. Before you publish a new article and add new links within your site, preview the content in your browser and make sure the links you have embedded do go where they are intended to go. Make sure your site is easy to navigate - use the 3 click rule (If users can't find what they're looking for within 3 clicks, they're likely to get frustrated and leave the site)Avoid Slash Pages.
Avoid the annoying flash introduction pages that one needs to click or skip before you can go to the homepage. They can really annoy us (Googlebot and me ;-) ) let them go directly to your homepage. You can show your skills and graphic sensibility within your site.Create content for your users first and then for search engines.
Make your site relevant, sticky. If your page can earn one or two extra links by providing great content, this will far outweigh any benefit from stuffing an extra keyword repetition. Try and have fresh content on your site - regular industry news, blog about trends in your industry, do interviews with industry experts. News reviews - Interviews with industry experts and so on.Google indexes rapidly changing sites more often than those updated only now and then. In fact, it uses a special robot for the task, Freshbot.
Create & Submit Sitemaps.
A Sitemap is a list of the pages on your website.In general, there are two types of sitemaps.
1) HTML page listing the pages of your site - for your users.
2) XML Sitemap (with Capital S) that can be submitted to Google using Webmaster Tools. It can also be submitted to other Search Engines as well.Creating and submitting a Sitemap helps make sure that Google knows about all the pages on your site, including URLs that may not be discoverable by Google's normal crawling process.
Here's Google's tips on creating XML Sitemap for your site. The easiest option would be to use Third Party tools - Online Generators/Services that would generate an XML Sitemap. You would then just need to submit to to Webmaster Central Tools.